Wednesday 2 November 2011


Sailing to me is still like walking a tightrope. A balancing act which, based on my observations, requires complete dedication, control and skill, if it is to be performed safely and effectively. Oh, and bloody courage with nerves of steal. Not to mention confidence and instinct to help overcome moments of uncertainty and hesitation. Both of these acrobatic feats have got to be, arguably, the slowest, most exhausting and most challenging way to get from point A to point B. When underway, we measure our progress in small, meticulous increments plotted over a chart. These plotted points become the line which separates us from one safe harbour and the next. We carefully maneuver over the line in our wobbly ways, giving in to some forces while resisting others. At times with shaky knees and dizzy heads, we inch forward focusing only on the current position and the demands of the immediate conditions. Like our lives depend on it. Because our lives depend on it.
Today point B is Provincetown, MA. We arrived here Sunday morning on 20+ foot waves, ushered in by the unseasonably early arrival of the Northeasterly winds, as they're known in the region. We battled the high seas and strong winds for hours before getting here wet and exhausted, but safe and relieved. The weather quickly turned around and in the last couple of days we have been able to clean up, dry up and re-provision for the next leg of the trip. We'll be off and on our way to Rhode Island tomorrow morning, wandering down the long stretch of New England coast before we arrive in NY some time after Sunday. 

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